Saturday, April 21, 2012

Meeting good people on the road!

What has been the best experience of this trip is meeting people from all walks of life. Our Little Guy trailer sparks so many conversations. Everyone, every single person we met are uplifting, hopeful and good natured ....not like you hear on the news all the time. Yes they are concerned about gas prices, but wonders why in a five mile radius cost of gas could be so different...why all the greed in oil. Met two fellows yesterday, one returning to Mississippi and another from the border of Arkansas and Louisiana. The one from Mississippi was on his way home after visiting Sequoia Nation Park near our home. He noticed Steve's Sequoia t-shirt. The one from the border of Louisiana and Arkansas just couldn't get over how far we had traveled, he was pleased to stay close to home! Chatting with him was like sitting down with an old friend sharing bits of of our lives...what fun.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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