Monday, March 19, 2012

Grandma's dream for her grandchildren....

That they are kind, curious and forgiving,
That they are sensitive to the beauty surrounding them,
That they ask "what if" questions and search for the answers,
That they keep an open mind,
That they want to know,
That they set high goals...and they exceed those goals,
That they love learning and teaching others,
That they find joy in reading and writing,
That they appreciate and accept differences of opinion, culture and ideas, without prejudice.
That they never fail to see and help those less fortunate,
That they know people are more important than things,
That they are true and loyal to family and friends,
That they accept responsibility with grace,
That they laugh out loud with others and at themselves,
That they dance like nobody is watching,
That they builds people up, not tear them down,
That they stay strong in their body, mind and soul,
That they lead more than follow, listen more than talk,
That they makes a positive difference in the world,.
That their struggles make them stronger, not hopeless,
That they choose a profession with enthusiam and passion,
That they keep their word,
That they dare,
That they travel,
That they never, ever doubt they are loved,
That they live life to the fullest,
That they find one special love and create their own loving family,
That they depend on God's guidance, comfort, forgiveness, love always, in all ways.

Big Brother Joshua

Sweet William
Beautiful Abigail

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